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Selected Poems
"Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses (alphabetical, incomplete)" in Santa Fe Writers Project
"Diagnostic Laparoscopy" in Santa Fe Writers Project
"Father's Day, June 20th, 2021" in Ample Remains
"Where Do Memories Go to Die?" in Passengers Journal
"Pelvic Physical Therapy" in Moist Poetry Journal
"I Had Another Dream Where the Roof Caved In" in Moist Poetry Journal
"Autobiography of Joan of Arc" in Flypaper Lit
"Golden Shovel for Desire" in Kissing Dynamite
"Golden Shovel for Hamnet" in FERAL: A Journal of Art and Poetry
"Golden Shovel for Destiny" in Ample Remains
"Correspondence" in Passengers Journal (PRIDE Poetry Prize Winner)
"Bricks" in Breaking the Chains: a Socialist Perspective on Women's Liberation
"Greenbriar Nursing Home" in Oddball Magazine
Selected Articles
"Vote ‘YES’ on Ballot Question 4 in Massachusetts to keep immigrant drivers license law" in Liberation News
"Mothers, teachers demand sex education, counselors for Boston Public Schools" in Liberation News
"Helen Keller a Socialist? Who knew!" in Liberation News
"The end of the war in Afghanistan?" in Liberation News
"Biden to heavily indebted students: Tough luck" in Liberation News
"Make 10 billionaires richer or freeze global poverty? Capitalism chose the former in 2020" in Liberation News
"French workers take to the barricades against Security Bill that would criminalize filming police violence"
in Liberation News
"Tens of millions locked out of U.S. 'democracy'" in Liberation News
"When will there be a COVID-19 vaccine?" in Liberation News
"Small towns across the United States see unprecedented protests" in Liberation News
Selected Videos
"The Doctor Says My Uterus is Heart-Shaped" on Button Poetry
"Fake Four Fridays GAME OVER BOOKS TAKEOVER" on Fake Four Twitch
"I Finally Changed The Lightbulbs In My Bedroom Today" on Slamfind"
Dishes (VOX POP '17)" on Slamfind
"Salt" on Slamfind
"The Evidence" on Slamfind
"In Between Spaces: An Anthology of Disabled Writers," Stillhouse Press
"Passengers Journal Anthology," Passengers Press
Music and Collaborations
"Better Man/Material Girl" in Ceschi Ramos' Sans Soleil (on Spotify here)
"Burning Barefoot" with Lissa Piercy
Interviews and Reviews
On Disability, Writing, & Representation: a roundtable discussion with the editors and contributors
of In Between Spaces (watch on YouTube for captions)
"Game Over Book Staff Interview: Kaleigh O'Keefe" interview with Game Over Books
"Golden Shovel for Desire" poem review on Full House Lit Mag Podcast
"The Mysteries of Endometriosis" interview with VOX Unexplainable Podcast
"Report: As COVID-19 Rages, Ten Richest Men Have Gotten $540 Billion Richer—And Counting"
interview with By Any Means Necessary
"Women Fight Back: Straight Pride Interview" interview with WBAI Women Fight Back
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